The program emphasis is on serving in a technical services capacity. Activities include on-farm visitations, poultry necropsies and sample evaluations (histopathology, serology), telephone consultations, consultations with colleagues, and writing reports. The Avian Extension Program at the University of Florida is primarily to provide technical support for the Florida Poultry Industry and related avian industries. International activities, in support of IFAS’ International Programs Mission and the University’s Mission to enhance and broaden the scope of the Poultry Medicine Program, are conducted. This has allowed exposure to alternative methods for the prevention and control of poultry diseases. These experiences have benefited the Poultry Medicine Extension Program, as well as teaching and research programs.
The primary target audience is the commercial poultry industry in Florida. Efforts have been directed towards improving vaccination programs, teaching disease monitoring techniques, and promoting disease containment procedures. A statewide Salmonella monitoring program has been developed in association with the Florida Poultry Federation. This proactive program permits identification of Salmonella infected farms and provides recommendations on eradication procedures. The Florida Poultry Industry has been very supportive and responsive to these programs. A major thrust of the poultry veterinary program has also been towards complex problem solving. This has included numerous disease investigations and management studies involving both field and laboratory efforts. Efforts have also been directed towards the pet bird industry, small flock owners, and pigeon fanciers in Florida. Educational programs have been presented to develop a better understanding of disease prevention and control.